On a sunny day in March I will look outside my front door to see a tiny Snowdrop peaking through the snow. Snowdrops are the earliest plants to emerge and are a welcome sign of spring's approach.
Bright yellow aconites follow soon afterward, multiplying each year to form a carpet of gold throughout the garden.
Multi coloured crocus, the tiny corms we all recall planting as kids in fall, bloom happily by the sidewalk.
Shades of blue -Glory of the Snow, Scilla, Grape Hyacinth, Virginia Blubells and the sky blue waves of Forget me Not create a sense of calm in the garden.
The yellow trumpets of King Alfred Daffodils herald the arrival of the Dutch Queen of the spring garden - Tulips! Early and late flowering, pink, purple, yellow, orange, white, single, double, Darwin, Parrot and many more!
Flowering shrubs - Serviceberry and Lilac reach into the cloudless spring sky.
The fragrant, massive blooms of Japanese Tree Peonies and the clove like scent of Korean Spice Viburnum perfume the evening air.
Happy Spring 2020!
"That is one good thing about this world–there are always sure to be more springs."
–L.M. Montgomery

Snowdrop awakening

Snowdrop in bloom


Purple crocus & aconite

Chindoxa- Glory of the Snow


Basket of Gold Alyssum


Bunny hiding in Alyssum

Forget Me Not

Daffodils & Stone Bench


Pink Tulip

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