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48 photos

Macro photography is the practice of taking extreme close-up images, usually of a subject that fills the entire frame. It’s often very nature-centric (bugs, flowers, water droplets, etc.) but can also be an asset in product photography. If you do not have a macro lens, try zooming to as close to your subject as you can without blurring your image.

Links for Macro/Close-up images
Evergreen BudDripping from icicles melting on the walkwaySmall drop of water on aloeSmall thyme plantDelicious StrawberryLarge Icicle melting on a sunny February dayPine coneSeeds inside a red pepperOWL TETRADACHM  - reproduction of Greek coin from about 450 BCa beautiful Cdn. Silver Dollar from 1987Silver Theresientaler - from Austria  1780ELEPHANT PICNIC  (the Cdn Silver Dollar shows the dimensions)By CandlelightTime Marches onWonder Woman's Bracelet ?flowers in vasedo it yourself saucewhats out the windowLucy in B&Wstump and nut

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