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54 photos

Black and white contrast, also known as tonal contrast, refers to the difference in tones from the whitest white to the blackest black. High contrast means the difference between the whitest white and the blackest black is maximal, while low contrast photographs have minimal differences between the blacks and whites and ultimately look greyish.

Some of you have the option of photographing in black and white on your cameras. Others edit coloured photos to black and white with editing programs.

For those who don't have photo editing tools that can perform Black and White conversions, here's a chance to try out post-processing. Paul discovered Adobe offers a free on-line service called Photoshop Express Online Photo Editor. For details see the TPS Web site at:

Paul has also created a quick instruction guide on how to use this tool for B&W conversion. It is posted to the TPS Web site at

Links for Black and White images
fallen birch-Davemass o branches-DaveThe Haunted HouseI Stand On GuardFrosty Winter MorningLonely LandscapeTracks to LincolnvilleWebb RdThree Rocks in the SnowRessor Way + Tanglewood TrailMary - Abandoned Farm VehicleMary - Sun StreamersMary - Back view Main St. StouffvilleSeguin & Winonah II - GravenhurstWhitevaleSteam Tractor - Markham MuseumScarborough BluffsFarmScarborough BluffsMary - Stouffville Clocktower from Backstreet

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